Terms and Conditions

By accessing, using and transacting on this website and making use of the services offered by Klick Me you are agreeing to all the terms.

You also agree to our Privacy Policy, which lays out how we deal with personal information and privacy.

Applicable Law

These terms serve as an agreement between klick me or any of its photographers and its clients and shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales.

Booking a photoshoot

A booking can only be made via the contact form on the klick me website. The booking will not then be confirmed until the photographer responds and agrees a time with the client.

Your booking does not exist in perpetuity. Your booking window, once confirmed, lasts for 30 days. If you pay for a booking and then do not respond or arrange a date and time with your photographer this booking cannot be redeemed or refunded after this period.


The decisions regarding the various locations used on a shoot will remain the sole creative discretion of the photographer.

Customers will not be entitled to exclusivity of a location or free choice regarding locations unless the photographer grants them with this either on the shoot or before hand in writing.

Delivery of pictures

Klick me and its photographers will issue photos to the customer in hi res or extra fine jpeg and is under no obliglation to deliver any assets or images in RAW or any other format.


Before you pay or use the services offered from a Klick Me Shoot you agree that no one at Klick Me or the business entity itself would be liable for any claims, losses, theft, damage, penalties, injuries or expenses whatsoever arising during or on the way to a photoshoot no matter what they may be, including the customers journey home.

If the photoshoot takes place at or on your business premises then again, no one at Klick Me or the business entity itself would be liable for any claims, losses, theft, damage, penalties, injuries or expenses whatsoever. You agree to this when you use our services.

Use of your photographs

The copyright in all photographs taken by the Photographer is, in all cases and shall remain, the property of the Photographer.

After your shoot Klick Me automatically issues you with a non-commercial licence to use your photos on any app or social media platform you choose for 100 years.

Unless you openly request otherwise and then obtain a written agreement before your photoshoot, the Photographer and klick me and any of its photographers reserves the right to use the photographs in any portfolios, social media accounts, galleries, advertising or promotional material without any notice or payment to you, provided these assets are only ever related to klick me or the photographer or their services.

This can include the klick me website and it’s social media accounts or the photographers portfolio.

Licence Terms

Your photos are intended for use on dating apps and social media outlets. They are intended for your own personal use and should not be used for commercial purposes or advertising. 

Your licence is valid for 100 years in the UK from the date of your shoot.


Klick me and its photographers may change the offers and bundle costs and prices at any time. If you have already made a booking at a set price, this price will not change, and no unexpected fees will ever arise without the customers consent before hand.


Klick me reserves the right to cancel a booking, appointment or arrangement at anytime. The customer will be made aware of this before any scheduled appointment.

If a customer wants to cancel or reschedule an appointment, this must be done at least 24 hours before the photoshoot. If its later then no refunds will be offered.

If a customer does not arrive for a photoshoot, this appointment will then be cancelled with no refund and no deposits returned.

If a customer is late for an appointment this can be cancelled by Klick Me with no refunds from 20 minutes after the arranged time. The decisions regarding this will be at all times the sole discretion of the photographer.

Post Editing Services

If, at the customers request, post software editing is carried out on the photos taken on a customers photoshoot, the edits made will remain the sole creative discretion of the photographer. A customer is not eligible to request further additions edits. These are typically delivered within 48 hours.

Extra Time
A customer is able to request extra time before or during their shoot. A decision will then be made by the photographer. Infinite clothing changes are still limited to the allocated time the customer has within their shoot.

The Klick Me website
To support the site we may use ads or affiliate links in various created content pieces, articles and marketing but will never promote or advertise content that we do not agree with or does not align with our beliefs.